[ March 15, 2021 by admin 0 Comments ]

S.T.E.A.M Hour – Ora să ȘTIM

Progress Foundation

Asociația Bibliotecarilor din Republica Moldova


Lack of skills, resources and support in promoting literacy and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) education for young children is a reality in rural communities in Moldova.


Over 250 librarians were trained in organizing reading sessions with picture books for children ages 3 to 10 and on planning and hosting small STEM experiments connected with topics from the stories read.  Each library received a book package of 5 to 22 titles and illustrated books and support in developing their own activities. STEM topics addressed were explained in lay language and introduced in a fun manner making children excited about learning.

The 250 librarians from Romania and Moldova offered 2422 activities where 36640 kids participated and learned about topics like: animals, plants, natural phenomenon, shapes, colors, human body, chemistry, Mathematics and Physics. Children asked their parents and teachers to come at the library to regularly participate in Ora sa STIM activities, Moreover the adults involved in children education started to be aware of the opportunity that STEM activities have in spending quality time with children and used the resources provided by this project: http://www.progressfoundation.ro/blog/ora-sa-stim/

Providing access to quality education is harder for children from rural areas. Our efforts in helping them enjoy learning and bringing resources closer to them is contributing to more chances for success

Curious to learn more?

Check out the Best practices in the Black Sea region by @Occupy Library Innovation HUB map, and find more inspiring stories from the region!

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[ March 9, 2021 by admin 0 Comments ]

Public Libraries as Active Citizens Hubs

“Antim Ivireanul” Vâlcea County Library, Romania

Fundația Comunitară Vâlcea


This project will increase the active citizenship skills in 6 communities from 3 countries by setting out a network of public libraries and NGOs that will support the creation of public spaces for active citizenship learning and practice. In the process, stakeholders from Romania, Republic of Moldova, and Ukraine, countries with relatively limited democratic experiences, will learn how to set up partnerships, collaborate, and share good practices for cultivating the civic spirit in their communities.


6 librarians and 6 NGO representatives from the participatory 3 countries were trained about the practical principles of engaging communities in democratic decisions and community projects, as well as plan for the implementation of the citizens hub in their libraries. Then, the 6  community teams formed by librarians, local NGO representatives and citizens worked together, and opened Citizens Hubs – spaces for citizens to gather and work together towards being active citizens involved in their communities.

So what?

Through this project,  Vâlcea County Library developed new library services and programs aimed to support communities’ needs and to develop these communities: health education programs, programs that encourage women to develop their own business, volunteer programs to involve citizens in promoting cultural and historical objectives from their communities. 

Curious to learn more?

Check out the Best practices in the Black Sea region by @Occupy Library Innovation HUB map, and find more inspiring stories from the region!

You have a great story?

Here's how you can put in on the map! @ Best practices in the Black Sea region by @Occupy Library Innovation HUB

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[ March 5, 2021 by admin 0 Comments ]

PLACH @ “G.T. Kirileanu” Neamț County Library

Piatra Neamț – Romania

Focusing on multicultural education, the “G.T. Kirileanu” Neamţ County Library created a space for learning foreign languages and discovering other cultures, by developing volunteer opportunities and discussion events for the youth of the community.

Curious to learn more?

Check out the Best practices in the Black Sea region by @Occupy Library Innovation HUB map, and find more inspiring stories from the region!

You have a great story?

Here’s how you can put in on the map! @ Best practices in the Black Sea region by @Occupy Library Innovation HUB!

Fill in the form and we’ll make sure your voice is heard by the community and beyond!

[ March 5, 2021 by admin 0 Comments ]

PLACH @ Lviv Central City Library “Lesya Ukrainka”

Lviv – Ukraine

In order to transform the library branch in a community space, Lviv Central City Library “Lesya Ukrainka” started to plan the needed steps for this process and has also created discussion spaces for community members.

Curious to learn more?

Check out the Best practices in the Black Sea region by @Occupy Library Innovation HUB map, and find more inspiring stories from the region!

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Here’s how you can put in on the map! @ Best practices in the Black Sea region by @Occupy Library Innovation HUB

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[ March 5, 2021 by admin 0 Comments ]

PLACH @ The “Antim Ivireanul” Vâlcea County Library

Râmnicu Vâlcea – Romania

The “Antim Ivireanul” Vâlcea County Library developed an online educational space where young children could learn safe measures that prevent the spread of COVID-19, in an age-appropriate way.

Curious to learn more?

Check out the Best practices in the Black Sea region by @Occupy Library Innovation HUB map, and find more inspiring stories from the region!

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Here’s how you can put in on the map! @ Best practices in the Black Sea region by @Occupy Library Innovation HUB

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[ March 5, 2021 by admin 0 Comments ]

PLACH @ The Raional Library “D. Cantemir” Ungheni

Ungheni – Republic of Moldova 

The main focus of the Raional Library “D. Cantemir” Ungheni was to empower women through their project, by creating a gathering and exhibition space in the library, where community groups could meet, discuss and present themselves.

Curious to learn more?

Check out the Best practices in the Black Sea region by @Occupy Library Innovation HUB map, and find more inspiring stories from the region!

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Here’s how you can put in on the map! @ Best practices in the Black Sea region by @Occupy Library Innovation HUB

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[ March 5, 2021 by admin 0 Comments ]

PLACH @ The Raional Library “IPS A. Plămădeală” Hîncești

Hîncești – Republic of Moldova 

The Raional Library “IPS A. Plămădeală” Hîncești created a space for community groups meetings, in the library, where they could discover the local heritage and learn to promote local tourism.

Curious to learn more?

Check out the Best practices in the Black Sea region by @Occupy Library Innovation HUB map, and find more inspiring stories from the region!

You have a great story?

Here’s how you can put in on the map! @ Best practices in the Black Sea region by @Occupy Library Innovation HUB

Fill in the form and we’ll make sure your voice is heard by the community and beyond!

[ February 9, 2021 by admin 0 Comments ]

You are ready to change your community!

Congratulations! We know you can do this. You analyzed your community and the factors influencing it, you have some great ideas and partners and now you see an opportunity to build a solution. 

What we have here for you is a few questions and insights to help deploy to frame, challenge and improve your message.

Here are the questions that we encourage you to focus on:

So what? What is the impact of what you will do?

Says who? What is the evidence that it can work?

Who cares? Who has a direct or indirect interest in your plan?

To get ready to present your message, work to develop a three minute ‘elevator pitch’ that you will use to present your ideas to stakeholders. But before you do that consider practicing it with your team and partners. The aim of your message should be rooted in your particular community issue that you wish to change.

Please try to consider the three powerful questions and these principles:

Humanize your message, 

Know your audience, 

Have an innovative hook, 

Make sure the medium is suitable for the message, 

Be consistent, 

Be congruent, 

Have a call to action. 

And always go back to these 3 important questions:

So what? Says who? Who cares?  

[ January 8, 2021 by Ioana Avadanei 0 Comments ]

Discovering the whole world through the The “G.T. Kirileanu” Neamț County Library

Discovering the world can be time consuming and can involve a lot of challenges, especially in the times that we live in. But the library is and has always been the opened door to another world. Only here, the cultural facets and the knowledge of the mankind can be freely accessed!

Focusing on multicultural education, the “G.T. Kirileanu” Neamţ County Library created a space for learning foreign languages and discovering other cultures, by developing volunteer opportunities and discussion events for the youth of the community. 

The “G.T. Kirileanu” Neamţ County Library, a partner in the Public Libraries As Active Citizens Hubs project, opened the door to the multicultural perspective of the world!

Wanting to help the community develop its knowledge and to promote the Foreign Book Branch, the library started to create and implement an action plan for the active citizens. With the help of a group of volunteers, Neamţ County Library is creating a dedicated space for learning about foreign cultures and languages, through special events organized for the community – such as workshops, trainings and presentations.

Public Libraries As Active Citizens Hubs focuses on the development of the active citizenship skills in 6 communities from 3 countries, by setting out a network of public libraries and NGOs that will support the creation of public spaces for active citizenship learning and practice. In the process, stakeholders from Romania, Republic of Moldova, and Ukraine, countries with relatively limited democratic experiences, will learn how to set up partnerships, collaborate, and share good practices for cultivating the civic spirit in their communities.

[ December 4, 2020 by Ioana Avadanei 0 Comments ]

Coding for a better future and an active community in the Lugansk Regional Universal Scientific Library!

Nowadays, the online world has become essential in our every day life. The future generations of active citizens need to adapt and to develop at the same speed of the evolution of technology. Fortunately, the world of coding is a multidimensional one and can be inspiring and playful, even for the children who haven’t started to dream yet about their future.

The Lugansk Regional Universal Scientific Library decided to focus on self-empowerment of the children and developed opportunities for kids in the community to learn coding, by using the online Minecraft application. 

PLACH’s partner, Lugansk Regional Universal Scientific Library, has focused on the non-formal education for children and started to use Minecraft Bedrock as a base for the induction into the programming world.

Volunteer mentors started to design the step-by-step curriculum and have begun to create a virtual classroom, where children can meet and participate at the weekly workshops. In the end, the children that are part of the activity will learn how to use the Educational Edition of the game Minecraft Bedrock and will be able to successfully create a project on this platform, further developing their knowledge and skills of the coding world.

Public Libraries As Active Citizens Hubs focuses on the development of the active citizenship skills in 6 communities from 3 countries, by setting out a network of public libraries and NGOs that will support the creation of public spaces for active citizenship learning and practice. In the process, stakeholders from Romania, Republic of Moldova, and Ukraine, countries with relatively limited democratic experiences, will learn how to set up partnerships, collaborate, and share good practices for cultivating the civic spirit in their communities.