[ April 14, 2021 by admin 0 Comments ]

Creation of the environmental space in the library

Charitable organization ‘Library country’

Kyiv Public Library for Children


Environmental protection projects are poorly developed in the libraries of Ukraine. There was a free premises in the Kyiv public library and the desire of librarians to start an educational project on nature protection. Together with the Charity “Library country” the joint project was established.

The Library together with Charity Foundation “Library Country” started to implement the project “Green Library” in the beginning of 2019.  The aim of the project was to create an eco-friendly space for sustainable issues education for families.
What Has Already Been Done:
  • A fundraising campaign was launched on the community platform https://biggggidea.com/project/zelena-biblioteka/ and 1000 USD were already collected for purchasing the furniture
  • Books on environmental topics were purchased thanks to the philanthropists
  • Educational activities on environmental issues are carried out on the regular basis
  • Partnerships with environmental initiatives have been established, and the library functions as a free platform for meetings, discussions, events
The New Space Will Include:
  • Creative eco-design (natural colors, natural materials)
  • Decor elements from recycled materials
  • A selection of books and e-media on environmental topics 
  • Thematic educational program
  • Collaboration with eco-activists and initiatives

So what?

The Library is modern and active, well-known in the community and seeks to develop and deliver new services. Renovation & new design is almost done, and the space will be visually attractive and original and become the place of gravity for children, parents, eco-activists.

The local community is well aware of the project and is actively involved. The educational activities on environmental issues are carried out on a regular basis. The project is a pilote for Kyiv city and seen as the model for other libraries.

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[ March 31, 2021 by admin 0 Comments ]

Multicultural connections – united society

Multifunctional Center for Education, Information, Culture Public Association

Public Regional Library ”Vasile Alecsandri” Telenești


Encouraging multicultural dialogue in the spirit of European democratic values between 5 districts of Moldova Telenești, Comrat, Taraclia, Soroca, Rascani, harmonization of interethnic coexistence: Moldovan, Ukrainian, Gagauz, Bulgarian, Roma, and Russian.

As part of this project, 43 offline workshops,  7 online regional conferences, 5 virtual visits in Taraclia, Telenesti, Comrat, Riscani, Soroca, and 5 online regional festivals were organized, involving 25 partners and 1300 beneficiaries


The objectives of the project were:

  • Favoring a context of knowledge of ethnic groups in the Republic of Moldova, through the values and policies of the European Union in the field of multiculturalism, multiethnicity, inclusion, minority rights, for at least 500 people, especially adolescents and young people from five districts during 2019-2020.
  • Increasing the degree of involvement of community members in promoting the common values shared by the cohabiting ethnic groups in Comrat, Taraclia, Telenesti, Soroca, Riscani districts;
  • Interethnic consolidation by increasing the visibility of the specifics and cultural similarities of the ethnic communities in the districts connected in the project

So what?

The participants accumulated valuable knowledge, about multiculturalism, the cohabiting ethnic groups in the Republic of Moldova, and about the policies of the European Union. They also realized the importance of multiethnic solidarity, passed it through the soul and materialized it in their own creations, presented at the Festival “On a Branch of Words”, which took place in August and was entitled generic “Multiethnic Moldova – we choose to live in harmony”.

Participating in the project made me understand and appreciate the Roma, whom I did not have very close to my soul. Now I have a Roma colleague, whom I received at work and I am very happy with.

The project reduced the social distance index by 3 units, as it raised the level of education, by familiarizing the beneficiaries with the multiple cultures in the country. Thus, the risk of conflicts, which regularly occur between ethnic groups and lead to violence that leads to destruction and damage, was reduced.

A Guide for the implementation of the library service “Multicultural Connections” was created, and it will serve as the basis for future replication in other regions. The continuity and sustainability of the project is also ensured by the generous book donation offered by the financiers for 5 public libraries and 10 social institutions: 5 Centers for children and 5 centers for the elderly.

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[ March 9, 2021 by admin 0 Comments ]

Public Libraries as Active Citizens Hubs

“Antim Ivireanul” Vâlcea County Library, Romania

Fundația Comunitară Vâlcea


This project will increase the active citizenship skills in 6 communities from 3 countries by setting out a network of public libraries and NGOs that will support the creation of public spaces for active citizenship learning and practice. In the process, stakeholders from Romania, Republic of Moldova, and Ukraine, countries with relatively limited democratic experiences, will learn how to set up partnerships, collaborate, and share good practices for cultivating the civic spirit in their communities.


6 librarians and 6 NGO representatives from the participatory 3 countries were trained about the practical principles of engaging communities in democratic decisions and community projects, as well as plan for the implementation of the citizens hub in their libraries. Then, the 6  community teams formed by librarians, local NGO representatives and citizens worked together, and opened Citizens Hubs – spaces for citizens to gather and work together towards being active citizens involved in their communities.

So what?

Through this project,  Vâlcea County Library developed new library services and programs aimed to support communities’ needs and to develop these communities: health education programs, programs that encourage women to develop their own business, volunteer programs to involve citizens in promoting cultural and historical objectives from their communities. 

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[ February 8, 2021 by admin 0 Comments ]

Women can succeed from home

“Dimitrie Cantemir” Public Library, Ungheni city, Republic of Moldova


Covid-19 has particularly negative effects on women. The state of emergency and quarantine forced more and more women to be released from work, to stay at home with children, at the same time it also created impediments, they are becoming much more psychologically affected and confused.


The library got into partnership with NGO “ProFemeia” to carry out the Community Awareness Campaign which addresses perceptions and psychological barriers related to prejudice about women who stay at home. The Campaign is aimed at achieving a mentality change, reduction of psychological barriers related to prejudice, and increasing self-confidence, rediscover, recognise and empathise, and creating a democratic and friendly space for women.

The meetings were organized to women roles, opportunities to use new media for personal and professional development and even for earning some income. The closing activity of the campaign took place in the Library and was attended by successful women who will show-up their works, information materials, leaflets through an exhibition, thus urging women who are also in a difficult situation to follow them.

So what?

Over 45 women participated in the project activities – training, information, and communication campaigns. These women learned about the importance of involving women in decision-making, using new media as an opportunity in personal and professional development, how the hobby can bring income using new media and why successful women are role models.

Sinighin Lidia, a project participant, says: “Each of us can consider ourselves a successful woman, depending on how we perceive the concept of “success “. Lidia Petriciuc from Buciumeni shared: “I don’t consider myself a successful woman, but after today’s event I am more confident in myself and I can certainly say that I am a successful woman”.

In future, we will promote successful women from Ungheni district by hosting monthly exhibitions created by them. At the activity of the public Café “Successful women, models to follow” a schedule of exhibitions was drawn up and it was agreed that the librarian from the territorial libraries should also be directly involved by encouraging and supporting the ladies. The works will be exhibited in the exhibition showcases that will be created by the end of 2020 within the given project.

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[ February 4, 2021 by admin 0 Comments ]

Pro-active EU

Europe Direct Gorj Center from ”Christian Tell” Gorj County Library


Citizens were not fully aware of their power as active citizens to change their society, the future of their communities.


30 public librarians were trained and later organized 30 workshops with 300 citizens from Gorj county. 

By building a network of 30 European information multipliers at the county level, public librarians became a bridge to the citizens. These multipliers were involved in the exercise of rights, simulation of voting process and recognition of the result in order to encourage the citizens in their communities to get involved in the voting process of the Elections for the European Parliament Members. They also learned how to deliver quality information about the EU and its communication policies and priorities and how to contribute to the promotion, protection and consolidation of democracy in their communities.

So what?

By the contribution of Gorj county public libraries, the turnout for the 2019 MEPs was higher than in the past. The project encouraged citizens to participate in the Elections for the European Parliament, to be part of the process of shaping the future of Europe and of our own country and the future of their communities, thus becoming active citizens who know that partnerships are the best way of achieving sustainable communities.

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