Get ready for two days of content about empowerment, ecology, environment & economics. All in an E+Library extravaganza that will elevate your excitement and bring some well-deserved euphoria!


Occupy Library 2022 will be a hybrid experience. You can join us in person, in Bucharest, or relax at home and attend remotely from the platform

The Virtual Tickets

The In-Person Tickets

FREE access to the LIVE, online-streamed content

The Virtual Ticket

  • Can attend the event from anywhere in the world;
  • Can access only the LIVE, online-streamed content;
Access to the LIVE, online-streamed content and an online archive with all of it

The Premium Virtual Ticket

  • Can attend the event from anywhere in the world;
  • Can access the LIVE, online-streamed content;
  • Can access an archive with all the LIVE, online-streamed content, even after the end of the event;
Access to the in-person event, at Pavilion Goethe, Bucharest

The In Person Ticket

  • Access to the live event at Goethe-Pavilion, Bucharest;
  • Can access the online archive with all the conference’s content;
  • Opportunity to network LIVE with other innovators;
  • Coffee & snack break included;
  • Goody-Bags included;
  • Opportunity to discover Bucharest;


Access to the in-person event, at Pavilion Goethe, Bucharest, and access to the Festive Dinner

The Premium In Person Ticket

  • Access to the live event at Goethe-Pavilion, Bucharest;
  • Can access the online archive with all the conference’s content;
  • Can access the Festive Dinner;
  • Opportunity to network LIVE with other innovators;
  • Coffee & snack break included;
  • Goody-Bags included;
  • Opportunity to discover Bucharest;



The In Person Tickets are limited, and do not offer access to accommodation or transport services. But, we are happy to help you with information. Contact us on!

Meet our speakers!

Hurry up, Occupy Library 2022 is getting closer!

Occupy Library 2022

The E+Libraries On The Rise!

Libraries can have a leading role on the path to sustainability, that’s why we will label them E+Libraries. E+ stems mainly from a new ECOLOGY of life, where less is consumed and more is shared. Libraries play a very important role in shaping more sustainable and responsible societies, not only by educating people, but also by becoming centers for testing new economic models, innovation and technology. We will welcome a great variety of contributions which showcase the endeavor of libraries for promoting circular economy and sustainable communities.

The main themes of Occupy Library 2022 – The E+Libraries On The Rise are:
  • Engaging community in rethinking, repurposing and remanufacturing, recycling
  • Empowerment for repair, reuse and recover
  • Educating for a sustainable Planet

Occupy Library ® is an independent event organized by the Progress Foundation with the support of Next Library® and in co-operation with the Occupy Library Steering committee,  in partnership with Goethe-Institut Bukarest, conference partners and sponsors.

For any additional inquiries please contact
We reserve the right to alterations & surprises!