You are ready to change your community!
Congratulations! We know you can do this. You analyzed your community and the factors influencing it, you have some great ideas and partners and now you see an opportunity to build a solution.
What we have here for you is a few questions and insights to help deploy to frame, challenge and improve your message.
Here are the questions that we encourage you to focus on:
So what? What is the impact of what you will do?
Says who? What is the evidence that it can work?
Who cares? Who has a direct or indirect interest in your plan?
To get ready to present your message, work to develop a three minute ‘elevator pitch’ that you will use to present your ideas to stakeholders. But before you do that consider practicing it with your team and partners. The aim of your message should be rooted in your particular community issue that you wish to change.
Please try to consider the three powerful questions and these principles:
Humanize your message,
Know your audience,
Have an innovative hook,
Make sure the medium is suitable for the message,
Be consistent,
Be congruent,
Have a call to action.
And always go back to these 3 important questions:
So what? Says who? Who cares?