The Raional Library “D. Cantemir” Ungheni is empowering women from the local community!
We all encounter challenges during our lifetime, but now more than ever women need all the courage, support and knowledge available in the world. Let’s be honest, either if you are taking care of your family or only of yourself, a community of strong women can empower you and become your new group of friends!
The main focus of the Raional Library “D. Cantemir” Ungheni was to empower women through their project, by creating a gathering and exhibition space in the library, where community groups could meet, discuss and present themselves.

Focusing on the idea that women can succeed, even from home, the PLACH partner started to organize meetings to empower the community. During this group circles, women can attend different meetings, workshops and discussions, that are based on personal and professionals development.
Public Libraries As Active Citizens Hubs focuses on the development of the active citizenship skills in 6 communities from 3 countries, by setting out a network of public libraries and NGOs that will support the creation of public spaces for active citizenship learning and practice. In the process, stakeholders from Romania, Republic of Moldova, and Ukraine, countries with relatively limited democratic experiences, will learn how to set up partnerships, collaborate, and share good practices for cultivating the civic spirit in their communities.