[ December 4, 2020 by Ioana Avadanei 0 Comments ]

Coding for a better future and an active community in the Lugansk Regional Universal Scientific Library!

Nowadays, the online world has become essential in our every day life. The future generations of active citizens need to adapt and to develop at the same speed of the evolution of technology. Fortunately, the world of coding is a multidimensional one and can be inspiring and playful, even for the children who haven’t started to dream yet about their future.

The Lugansk Regional Universal Scientific Library decided to focus on self-empowerment of the children and developed opportunities for kids in the community to learn coding, by using the online Minecraft application. 

PLACH’s partner, Lugansk Regional Universal Scientific Library, has focused on the non-formal education for children and started to use Minecraft Bedrock as a base for the induction into the programming world.

Volunteer mentors started to design the step-by-step curriculum and have begun to create a virtual classroom, where children can meet and participate at the weekly workshops. In the end, the children that are part of the activity will learn how to use the Educational Edition of the game Minecraft Bedrock and will be able to successfully create a project on this platform, further developing their knowledge and skills of the coding world.

Public Libraries As Active Citizens Hubs focuses on the development of the active citizenship skills in 6 communities from 3 countries, by setting out a network of public libraries and NGOs that will support the creation of public spaces for active citizenship learning and practice. In the process, stakeholders from Romania, Republic of Moldova, and Ukraine, countries with relatively limited democratic experiences, will learn how to set up partnerships, collaborate, and share good practices for cultivating the civic spirit in their communities.

AboutIoana Avadanei

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