[ February 9, 2021 by admin 0 Comments ]

You are ready to change your community!

Congratulations! We know you can do this. You analyzed your community and the factors influencing it, you have some great ideas and partners and now you see an opportunity to build a solution. 

What we have here for you is a few questions and insights to help deploy to frame, challenge and improve your message.

Here are the questions that we encourage you to focus on:

So what? What is the impact of what you will do?

Says who? What is the evidence that it can work?

Who cares? Who has a direct or indirect interest in your plan?

To get ready to present your message, work to develop a three minute ‘elevator pitch’ that you will use to present your ideas to stakeholders. But before you do that consider practicing it with your team and partners. The aim of your message should be rooted in your particular community issue that you wish to change.

Please try to consider the three powerful questions and these principles:

Humanize your message, 

Know your audience, 

Have an innovative hook, 

Make sure the medium is suitable for the message, 

Be consistent, 

Be congruent, 

Have a call to action. 

And always go back to these 3 important questions:

So what? Says who? Who cares?  

[ February 8, 2021 by admin 0 Comments ]

Women can succeed from home

“Dimitrie Cantemir” Public Library, Ungheni city, Republic of Moldova


Covid-19 has particularly negative effects on women. The state of emergency and quarantine forced more and more women to be released from work, to stay at home with children, at the same time it also created impediments, they are becoming much more psychologically affected and confused.


The library got into partnership with NGO “ProFemeia” to carry out the Community Awareness Campaign which addresses perceptions and psychological barriers related to prejudice about women who stay at home. The Campaign is aimed at achieving a mentality change, reduction of psychological barriers related to prejudice, and increasing self-confidence, rediscover, recognise and empathise, and creating a democratic and friendly space for women.

The meetings were organized to women roles, opportunities to use new media for personal and professional development and even for earning some income. The closing activity of the campaign took place in the Library and was attended by successful women who will show-up their works, information materials, leaflets through an exhibition, thus urging women who are also in a difficult situation to follow them.

So what?

Over 45 women participated in the project activities – training, information, and communication campaigns. These women learned about the importance of involving women in decision-making, using new media as an opportunity in personal and professional development, how the hobby can bring income using new media and why successful women are role models.

Sinighin Lidia, a project participant, says: “Each of us can consider ourselves a successful woman, depending on how we perceive the concept of “success “. Lidia Petriciuc from Buciumeni shared: “I don’t consider myself a successful woman, but after today’s event I am more confident in myself and I can certainly say that I am a successful woman”.

In future, we will promote successful women from Ungheni district by hosting monthly exhibitions created by them. At the activity of the public Café “Successful women, models to follow” a schedule of exhibitions was drawn up and it was agreed that the librarian from the territorial libraries should also be directly involved by encouraging and supporting the ladies. The works will be exhibited in the exhibition showcases that will be created by the end of 2020 within the given project.

Curious to learn more?

Check out the Best practices in the Black Sea region by @Occupy Library Innovation HUB map, and find more inspiring stories from the region!

You have a great story?

Here's how you can put in on the map! @ Best practices in the Black Sea region by @Occupy Library Innovation HUB

Fill in the form and we’ll make sure your voice is heard by the community and beyond!

[ February 4, 2021 by admin 0 Comments ]

Pro-active EU

Europe Direct Gorj Center from ”Christian Tell” Gorj County Library


Citizens were not fully aware of their power as active citizens to change their society, the future of their communities.


30 public librarians were trained and later organized 30 workshops with 300 citizens from Gorj county. 

By building a network of 30 European information multipliers at the county level, public librarians became a bridge to the citizens. These multipliers were involved in the exercise of rights, simulation of voting process and recognition of the result in order to encourage the citizens in their communities to get involved in the voting process of the Elections for the European Parliament Members. They also learned how to deliver quality information about the EU and its communication policies and priorities and how to contribute to the promotion, protection and consolidation of democracy in their communities.

So what?

By the contribution of Gorj county public libraries, the turnout for the 2019 MEPs was higher than in the past. The project encouraged citizens to participate in the Elections for the European Parliament, to be part of the process of shaping the future of Europe and of our own country and the future of their communities, thus becoming active citizens who know that partnerships are the best way of achieving sustainable communities.

Curious to learn more?

Check out the Best practices in the Black Sea region by @Occupy Library Innovation HUB map, and find more inspiring stories from the region!

You have a great story?

Here's how you can put in on the map! @ Best practices in the Black Sea region by @Occupy Library Innovation HUB

Fill in the form and we’ll make sure your voice is heard by the community and beyond!

[ February 4, 2021 by admin 0 Comments ]

Physical activity – medicine for health

Public library of the territorial community” of Katerynopil Village Council


With the help of the project “Physical activity-medicine for health it was necessary to solve the problem of rehabilitation of the elderly community.


Elderly people received Nordic walking sticks to walk and recuperate.

Nordic walking greatly improves physical and mental well-being, increases the release of endorphins 5 times, normalizes the central nervous system: improves sleep, well-being, improves performance, helps to overcome depression; affects posture, improves the feeling of balance and coordination, strengthens the vestibular apparatus; up to 90% of all muscles of the torso are trained at the same time (all muscle groups of the leg, thigh, arms and shoulder girdle, abdomen work; muscles of the neck, back and chest muscles additionally develop), the body’s defenses are stimulated, immunity is increased ; pressure and load on the knee joints and spine decreases. Nordic walking strengthens the musculoskeletal system, does not require special training and has virtually no contraindications.

So what?

38 seniors aged from 50 to 83 years actively engaged in Nordic walking, and gained material support with appropriate equipment. In addition to walking, the group is engaged in breathing exercises, which is relevant during a pandemic. The activities encourage communication of group members, leading to dissemination of relevant information about life in the community and promotion of a healthy lifestyle in the community.

Curious to learn more?

Check out the Best practices in the Black Sea region by @Occupy Library Innovation HUB map, and find more inspiring stories from the region!

You have a great story?

Here's how you can put in on the map! @ Best practices in the Black Sea region by @Occupy Library Innovation HUB

Fill in the form and we’ll make sure your voice is heard by the community and beyond!

Occupy Library Innovators HUBWebinarWorkshop
[ February 2, 2021 by admin 0 Comments ]

Recordings of Libraries are great? Prove it! Data and evidence-based storytelling workshop

On the 29th of January,   Ugne Lipeikaite, EIFL-PLIP Impact Manager, and Kristine Paberza-Ramiresa, IFLA Member Engagement Officer  gave us a general overview of  data about services or programs libraries should collect and how to use the data in telling compelling stories. The rules, tools, and tips of evidence-based storytelling showcased in this workshop will help us all be more efficient in making the case for our libraries value.


Libraries are great? Prove it! Data and evidence-based storytelling workshop by EIFL (Electronic Information for Libraries) Public Library Innovation Programme and IFLA (The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions)

Click here to view or download the slides!

Click here to view or download the handouts!

Click here to view or download the handouts!

Click here to view or download the handouts!

Occupy Library Innovators HUBSharing Cafe
[ January 20, 2021 by admin 0 Comments ]

Recordings of Welcome to Moldova! Sharing Café, hosted by Asociația Bibliotecarilor din Republica Moldova

“Welcome to Moldova! Sharing Café” on 19th of January was a fantastic opportunity to learn about the Moldovan experience in a discussion moderated by Mariana Harjevschi and with fabulous guests:  Margarita Ursu, Communication Coordinator „I am the change promoter” project, Daniela Galai, Program Manager, Media and Media Literacy in Moldova ERIM, Lucia Brehoi, Head of Department Orhei County Library, and Diana Pînzari, Communication Specialist Women’s Law Center.


Welcome to Moldova! Sharing Café - free sharing session for the Occupy Library Innovators HUB community

Occupy Library Innovators HUBWebinar
[ January 13, 2021 by admin 0 Comments ]

Recordings of the free Webinar on Technology for Communities by Occupy Library Innovators HUB

On the 11th of January,  Kyriakos Kyriakidis from Eduact (Greece) gave us a general overview of the tools and technologies we use in working with our communities, and invited us to explore ways to improve your organization’s productivity.

Technology for Communities - free Webinar delivered by Kyriakos Kyriakidis, Eduact, Greece

Click here to view or download the work sheet!

Occupy Library Innovators HUBWebinar
[ December 18, 2020 by admin 0 Comments ]

Recordings of the free Webinar on Strategic Planning by Occupy Library Innovators HUB

On the 18th of December,  Camelia Crișan introduced us to the basics of Strategic Planning, and invited us to explore these tools and engage with our teams and steakholders.

If there’s a will, there’s a way - a free Webinar on Strategic Planning

Click here to view or download the slides!

Occupy Library Innovators HUBSharing Cafe
[ December 8, 2020 by admin 0 Comments ]

Recordings of Welcome to Ukraine! Sharing Café

“Welcome to Ukraine! Sharing Café”, Tuesday, 8th of December brought us great speakers from Ukraine who shared with us their stories on how they work to help their communities grow. 

During these 90 minutes, we explored and discussed concrete examples of library-CSO partnerships from Ukraine with the help of our guests: Alexander Kozyrev – Lugansk Regional Universal Scientific Library, Kateryna Aleksieienko – Lviv Central City Library named after Lesia Ukrainka, Tetiana Mykytiuk – Chernivtsi Regional Universal Scientific Library named after Mykhailo Ivasiuk, and our facilitator Yaroslava Soshynska – Executive Director of Ukrainian Library Association.


Sharing Cafe: Welcome to Ukraine! - free sharing session for the Occupy Library Innovators HUB community

Occupy Library Innovators HUBWebinar
[ November 27, 2020 by admin 0 Comments ]

Flying can be taught, and so can democracy – recordings and support materials of the webinar

On the 26th of November,  Camelia Crișan introduced us to the hard questions we need to answer as active citizens, and inspired us to take a step further, foresee the future and help building it in our communities.


Flying can be taught, and so can democracy! - a free webinar on active citizenship

Click here to view or download the slides!