Women can succeed from home
“Dimitrie Cantemir” Public Library, Ungheni city, Republic of Moldova

Covid-19 has particularly negative effects on women. The state of emergency and quarantine forced more and more women to be released from work, to stay at home with children, at the same time it also created impediments, they are becoming much more psychologically affected and confused.

The library got into partnership with NGO “ProFemeia” to carry out the Community Awareness Campaign which addresses perceptions and psychological barriers related to prejudice about women who stay at home. The Campaign is aimed at achieving a mentality change, reduction of psychological barriers related to prejudice, and increasing self-confidence, rediscover, recognise and empathise, and creating a democratic and friendly space for women.
The meetings were organized to women roles, opportunities to use new media for personal and professional development and even for earning some income. The closing activity of the campaign took place in the Library and was attended by successful women who will show-up their works, information materials, leaflets through an exhibition, thus urging women who are also in a difficult situation to follow them.
So what?
Over 45 women participated in the project activities – training, information, and communication campaigns. These women learned about the importance of involving women in decision-making, using new media as an opportunity in personal and professional development, how the hobby can bring income using new media and why successful women are role models.
Sinighin Lidia, a project participant, says: “Each of us can consider ourselves a successful woman, depending on how we perceive the concept of “success “. Lidia Petriciuc from Buciumeni shared: “I don’t consider myself a successful woman, but after today’s event I am more confident in myself and I can certainly say that I am a successful woman”.
In future, we will promote successful women from Ungheni district by hosting monthly exhibitions created by them. At the activity of the public Café “Successful women, models to follow” a schedule of exhibitions was drawn up and it was agreed that the librarian from the territorial libraries should also be directly involved by encouraging and supporting the ladies. The works will be exhibited in the exhibition showcases that will be created by the end of 2020 within the given project.