Public Libraries as Active Citizens Hubs
“Antim Ivireanul” Vâlcea County Library, Romania
Fundația Comunitară Vâlcea

This project will increase the active citizenship skills in 6 communities from 3 countries by setting out a network of public libraries and NGOs that will support the creation of public spaces for active citizenship learning and practice. In the process, stakeholders from Romania, Republic of Moldova, and Ukraine, countries with relatively limited democratic experiences, will learn how to set up partnerships, collaborate, and share good practices for cultivating the civic spirit in their communities.

6 librarians and 6 NGO representatives from the participatory 3 countries were trained about the practical principles of engaging communities in democratic decisions and community projects, as well as plan for the implementation of the citizens hub in their libraries. Then, the 6 community teams formed by librarians, local NGO representatives and citizens worked together, and opened Citizens Hubs – spaces for citizens to gather and work together towards being active citizens involved in their communities.
So what?
Through this project, Vâlcea County Library developed new library services and programs aimed to support communities’ needs and to develop these communities: health education programs, programs that encourage women to develop their own business, volunteer programs to involve citizens in promoting cultural and historical objectives from their communities.