S.T.E.A.M Hour – Ora să ȘTIM
Progress Foundation
Asociația Bibliotecarilor din Republica Moldova

Lack of skills, resources and support in promoting literacy and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) education for young children is a reality in rural communities in Moldova.

Over 250 librarians were trained in organizing reading sessions with picture books for children ages 3 to 10 and on planning and hosting small STEM experiments connected with topics from the stories read. Each library received a book package of 5 to 22 titles and illustrated books and support in developing their own activities. STEM topics addressed were explained in lay language and introduced in a fun manner making children excited about learning.
The 250 librarians from Romania and Moldova offered 2422 activities where 36640 kids participated and learned about topics like: animals, plants, natural phenomenon, shapes, colors, human body, chemistry, Mathematics and Physics. Children asked their parents and teachers to come at the library to regularly participate in Ora sa STIM activities, Moreover the adults involved in children education started to be aware of the opportunity that STEM activities have in spending quality time with children and used the resources provided by this project: http://www.progressfoundation.ro/blog/ora-sa-stim/
Providing access to quality education is harder for children from rural areas. Our efforts in helping them enjoy learning and bringing resources closer to them is contributing to more chances for success