Pietrari Local Library helps the community get back into shape
Pietrari Public Library
Kilostop București

In Pietrari, a village of about 3,000 people, inactive lifestyles, poor diet and lack of information about nutrition resulted in over 25% of the population being overweight. Concerned librarians at Pietrari Local Public Library decided to help the community get back in shape.

Librarians are using technology to confront obesity in their community head on – and the kilos are rolling away as library users now regularly work out in the reading room. Be Fit Not Fat was launched in October 2012. Outreach through schools drew an enthusiastic response: 180 people attended exercise classes in the library, using Wii fitness consoles, and 43 seriously overweight teenagers and mothers joined an intensive programme. To make sure weight loss is lasting and safe, the library works closely with fitness specialists, doctors and nutritionists.
So what?
Be Fit Not Fat combines action with interaction. During physical exercise classes in the library, participants use a Wii Fit Plus console. This is a video gaming console programmed for fitness training. The console transmits a moving image of a fitness trainer to a television screen. Exercisers then create their own exercise program by using a remote control device to manipulate the image of the trainer.
Participants in the intensive fitness and nutrition program have created a Facebook page and a lively blog, for sharing experiences, giving encouragement and celebrating weight loss. Using library computers, they consult nutritionists in the capital city, Bucharest, many kilometers away, via the online communication tool, Skype.
I look different, feel different, and my husband and child appreciate the difference! Without Pietrari Local Public Library I would not have succeeded! Ileana Nitu, 22 kilograms healthier