We are back with good news! We launch a new call for proposals for our formative/funky/fab/free-of-charge conference Occupy Library 2020!
The hard times we are all going through have shown us, again and again, the importance of communities. Let’s join our forces: we prepare a cosy online platform for meeting passionate professionals, you prepare a unique presentation, and let us meet online at Occupy Library, September 22-25!
Starting today, June 1st, we look forward to hearing about your great ideas and experiences in building, helping and strengthening communities. Here are the main topics of the conference:
1. Serving communities in times of crisis
2. Partnerships for strong democracies
3. Active citizenship in analog and digital format
4. Emerging tech trends to empower communities
5. Public spaces and community engagement
If your favourite theme is not among these, don’t worry – we welcome proposals for open-themed interactive sessions, to cover other topics relevant to libraries and NGOs. The form of the session can vary from panel-discussions to interactive workshops of practical Labs, so you get to choose the theme, the speakers, and you also are in charge of moderating the session.
If you have an inspiring story, an interesting project, an insightful case study, or just a fabulous idea, send it to us by August 1st!
On August 15, when we announce the selection results, we hope to see you among the Occupy Library 2020 speakers who will share their thoughts and experiences with the online crowd.
Join us! Share your know-how with your peers and help us bring technology and innovation in our libraries!
For questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact us at https://occupylibrary.net/support/!