What happens after Occupy Library 2022?
Occupy Library 2022 has just passed, but innovation has no boundaries.
The two days of formative/funky/fab content about sustainability have reached an end, but our desire to change the local communities, and to share and learn best practices with innovators from all around the world continues.
What Happens Next?
Attendee or Speaker Certifications
If you were a virtual or in-person attendee or speaker, please check your email (even the SPAM folder) to search for your certificate.
Tell Us Your Opinion About The Conference!
If you have been a virtual or in-person attendee or speaker, let us know your opinion about Occupy Library 2022, by filling this online form: https://forms.gle/ykyNuQrC2dmWprR19
Join the Occupy Library Innovators' Hub!
Join the Occupy Library Innovators’ Hub Facebook Group and make your story echo louder! This group is created for the change-makers from all over the world, a virtual safe space where you can share & learn inspiring stories about the development of local communities.
Enter here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/occupylibraryhub/