[ January 8, 2021 by Ioana Avadanei 0 Comments ]

Discovering the whole world through the The “G.T. Kirileanu” Neamț County Library

Discovering the world can be time consuming and can involve a lot of challenges, especially in the times that we live in. But the library is and has always been the opened door to another world. Only here, the cultural facets and the knowledge of the mankind can be freely accessed!

Focusing on multicultural education, the “G.T. Kirileanu” Neamţ County Library created a space for learning foreign languages and discovering other cultures, by developing volunteer opportunities and discussion events for the youth of the community. 

The “G.T. Kirileanu” Neamţ County Library, a partner in the Public Libraries As Active Citizens Hubs project, opened the door to the multicultural perspective of the world!

Wanting to help the community develop its knowledge and to promote the Foreign Book Branch, the library started to create and implement an action plan for the active citizens. With the help of a group of volunteers, Neamţ County Library is creating a dedicated space for learning about foreign cultures and languages, through special events organized for the community – such as workshops, trainings and presentations.

Public Libraries As Active Citizens Hubs focuses on the development of the active citizenship skills in 6 communities from 3 countries, by setting out a network of public libraries and NGOs that will support the creation of public spaces for active citizenship learning and practice. In the process, stakeholders from Romania, Republic of Moldova, and Ukraine, countries with relatively limited democratic experiences, will learn how to set up partnerships, collaborate, and share good practices for cultivating the civic spirit in their communities.

[ December 4, 2020 by Ioana Avadanei 0 Comments ]

Coding for a better future and an active community in the Lugansk Regional Universal Scientific Library!

Nowadays, the online world has become essential in our every day life. The future generations of active citizens need to adapt and to develop at the same speed of the evolution of technology. Fortunately, the world of coding is a multidimensional one and can be inspiring and playful, even for the children who haven’t started to dream yet about their future.

The Lugansk Regional Universal Scientific Library decided to focus on self-empowerment of the children and developed opportunities for kids in the community to learn coding, by using the online Minecraft application. 

PLACH’s partner, Lugansk Regional Universal Scientific Library, has focused on the non-formal education for children and started to use Minecraft Bedrock as a base for the induction into the programming world.

Volunteer mentors started to design the step-by-step curriculum and have begun to create a virtual classroom, where children can meet and participate at the weekly workshops. In the end, the children that are part of the activity will learn how to use the Educational Edition of the game Minecraft Bedrock and will be able to successfully create a project on this platform, further developing their knowledge and skills of the coding world.

Public Libraries As Active Citizens Hubs focuses on the development of the active citizenship skills in 6 communities from 3 countries, by setting out a network of public libraries and NGOs that will support the creation of public spaces for active citizenship learning and practice. In the process, stakeholders from Romania, Republic of Moldova, and Ukraine, countries with relatively limited democratic experiences, will learn how to set up partnerships, collaborate, and share good practices for cultivating the civic spirit in their communities.

[ December 2, 2020 by Ioana Avadanei 0 Comments ]

The Raional Library “D. Cantemir” Ungheni is empowering women from the local community!

We all encounter challenges during our lifetime, but now more than ever women need all the courage, support and knowledge available in the world. Let’s be honest, either if you are taking care of your family or only of yourself, a community of strong women can empower you and become your new group of friends!

The main focus of the Raional Library “D. Cantemir” Ungheni was to empower women through their project, by creating a gathering and exhibition space in the library, where community groups could meet, discuss and present themselves.

Focusing on the idea that women can succeed, even from home, the PLACH partner started to organize meetings to empower the community. During this group circles, women can attend different meetings, workshops and discussions, that are based on personal and professionals development.

Public Libraries As Active Citizens Hubs focuses on the development of the active citizenship skills in 6 communities from 3 countries, by setting out a network of public libraries and NGOs that will support the creation of public spaces for active citizenship learning and practice. In the process, stakeholders from Romania, Republic of Moldova, and Ukraine, countries with relatively limited democratic experiences, will learn how to set up partnerships, collaborate, and share good practices for cultivating the civic spirit in their communities.

[ November 28, 2020 by Ioana Avadanei 0 Comments ]

An online education space for children: learn how to be safe during the pandemic at the “Antim Ivireanul” Vâlcea County Library

The times that we are living are quite unexpected, with rapid changes that none of us could have ever imagined. Nonetheless, this is the time when we must adapt to the circumstances and learn how to make them work in our favor, rather than against us. But is especially hard to do this when you have barely started to discover the world and how it works.

The “Antim Ivireanul” Vâlcea County Library developed an online educational space where young children could learn safe measures that prevent the spread of COVID-19, in an age-appropriate way.

PLACH’s partner from Vâlcea, Romania, focused on raising awareness about health education in young children and started to transform the library in a place of learning how to be safe in the world we live in nowadays. Since going back to school will never be the same, the “Antim Ivireanul” Vâlcea County Library started to plan 10 workshops, that will carry the message “Taking care of yourself you will take care of everyone else”, that allow children to learn in a ludic manner how to care of their own and how to play an active role in the well-being of the community.

Public Libraries As Active Citizens Hubs focuses on the development of the active citizenship skills in 6 communities from 3 countries, by setting out a network of public libraries and NGOs that will support the creation of public spaces for active citizenship learning and practice. In the process, stakeholders from Romania, Republic of Moldova, and Ukraine, countries with relatively limited democratic experiences, will learn how to set up partnerships, collaborate, and share good practices for cultivating the civic spirit in their communities.

[ November 18, 2020 by Ioana Avadanei 0 Comments ]

The Raional Library “IPS A. Plămădeală” Hîncești is raising an active community through local tourism!

Promoting your local community is never an easy task, but is a skill that can be developed. And what better place to grow yourself and develop the opportunities of your community, than the library?

The Raional Library “IPS A. Plămădeală” Hîncești started to create a space for community group meetings, in the library, where they could discover the local heritage and learn to promote their local tourism.

Public Libraries as Active Citizens Hubs’ partner – the Raional Library from Hîncești, Moldova – started to gather a team of young volunteers, in order to create a space for promoting the local tourism. Focusing on the main tourist attractions of the area, this group had begun to create and share with the community various promotional materials, such as brochures and information panels. They also plan to develop an advertising spot “Tourist destinations in Rn.Hîncești” and a QR code “Promotion of four tourist areas in the locality” to help people find out even more information about the tourist attractions nearby. The Raional Library “IPS A. Plămădeală” Hîncești plans to help the community discover the potential of their beautiful area, by organizing cultural activities and implementing a contest named “We discover the local tourist destinations”.

Public Libraries As Active Citizens Hubs focuses on the development of the active citizenship skills in 6 communities from 3 countries, by setting out a network of public libraries and NGOs that will support the creation of public spaces for active citizenship learning and practice. In the process, stakeholders from Romania, Republic of Moldova, and Ukraine, countries with relatively limited democratic experiences, will learn how to set up partnerships, collaborate, and share good practices for cultivating the civic spirit in their communities.

[ October 30, 2020 by Ioana Avadanei 0 Comments ]

Transforming the Lviv Central City Library “Lesya Ukrainka” in a community space!

We all know that the library is the heart of the community. It is more than a place where you can borrow books or where you can read in peace. The local library is the perfect place for developing ways to grow the community or for meeting new people with inspiring ideas!

In order to transform the library branch in a community space, Lviv Central City Library “Lesya Ukrainka” started to plan the needed steps for this process and has also created discussion spaces for community members.

In order to develop a community space in the library, PLACH’s partner from Lviv, Ukraine, started to held different kind of presentations for the locals. Through the lectures, seminars and other non-formal educational meetings, they want to promote the library as the perfect place for new ideas and networking. Lviv Central City Library “Lesya Ukrainka” focuses on creating a comfortable place to educate and grow the community, transforming the library into a safe space where people from the area can get together, have fun and relax.

Public Libraries As Active Citizens Hubs focuses on the development of the active citizenship skills in 6 communities from 3 countries, by setting out a network of public libraries and NGOs that will support the creation of public spaces for active citizenship learning and practice. In the process, stakeholders from Romania, Republic of Moldova, and Ukraine, countries with relatively limited democratic experiences, will learn how to set up partnerships, collaborate, and share good practices for cultivating the civic spirit in their communities.