Welcome to Moldova! Sharing Café, 19th of January, 10:00 EET

Join Progress Foundation and Asociația Bibliotecarilor din Republica Moldova at Welcome to Moldova! Sharing Café and learn about the Moldovan context and experience, get info about different initiatives and about partnership between libraries and CSOs.
Let us get inspired by practical examples of successful projects from Moldova, and share our experiences in how to help our communities cope with different challenges, how to build their resilience and support their healthy growth.
Our Moldovan speakers will talk about how their communities benefited from the joint efforts of libraries and NGOs (CSOs) working together, and thus start the discussion about how libraries and CSOs are bringing changes and innovations to their communities, making them more sustainable and answering people’s needs.
Come and have a coffee with your new Moldovan friends, talk with other librarians and CSOs professionals, learn about their experiences and share your feedback. The networking and coffee will be an informal online conversation amongst the people in the room, encouraging sharing and looking for inspiring solutions. This is a forum for open minds, generosity of thought and curiosity to learn.
Register here for Welcome to Moldova! Sharing Café, 19th January, 10:00 EET: https://forms.gle/xC6iQGJRmGqyFUEPA
About Occupy Library Innovators Hub
The Occupy Library Innovators Hub project is implemented by Progress Foundation Romania, in partnership with Сentre for Cultural Management (Ukraine), Library Association of Ukraine (Ukraine), EduAct (Greece), Library Association of Moldova (Moldova), National Library of Moldova (Moldova), Ashoka România (Romania) and National Library of Romania (Romania) in the framework of the "Black Sea NGO Forum Sub-granting Scheme For Activities That Support The Development Of CSO Regional Networks", within the project „Building CSO Capacity for Regional Cooperation within the Black Sea Region”, implemented by the Romanian NGDO Platform – FOND with the financial support of the European Union. The network establishment will organize online webinars and sharing events (October 2020 - March 2021). During the project, case studies and best practices will be documented and compiled in a comprehensive collection to be made available online to all interested stakeholders. The goal of this endeavor is to provide support for public libraries to contribute to active citizenship and life-long learning in their communities. Moreover, by implementing the project in 5 countries and creating a community of practice among library and CSO professionals, this project aims at learning about the best ways to bring libraries from the region into a professional network through which they can implement shared projects.
About Progress Foundation
Established in 1996, Progress Foundation is an experienced Romanian NGO that pilots local initiatives in the field of education/training, (e-)inclusion and community development, and then scales it up, at national level - as innovative and impactful best practices. Progress Foundation’s projects are developed using county and local libraries as lifelong learning hubs and social innovation centers, to reach out to any social group and/or citizen, especially the most marginalized ones. Starting with March 2016, Progress Foundation is privileged to be a member of FOND – the Federation of Romanian Non Governmental Organizations for Development.
For further details:
Anca Râpeanu, Project Manager occupylibrary@progressfoundation.ro