What happens after Occupy Library 2022?
Occupy Library 2022 has just passed, but innovation has no boundaries.
What Happens Next?
Attendee or Speaker Certifications
If you were a virtual or in-person attendee or speaker, please check your email (even the SPAM folder) to search for your certificate.
Tell Us Your Opinion About The Conference!
If you have been a virtual or in-person attendee or speaker, let us know your opinion about Occupy Library 2022, by filling this online form: https://forms.gle/ykyNuQrC2dmWprR19
Join the Occupy Library Innovators' Hub!
Join the Occupy Library Innovators’ Hub Facebook Group and make your story echo louder! This group is created for the change-makers from all over the world, a virtual safe space where you can share & learn inspiring stories about the development of local communities.
Enter here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/occupylibraryhub/