Good news: we have extended the call for proposals! We are excited to hear your inspiring story, fab ideas, and to find out more about your projects. So, send your proposals until the 31st of January 2022 & join us at Occupy Library 2022: The E+Libraries On The Rise!
Libraries can have a leading role on the path to sustainability, that’s why we will label them E+Libraries. E+ stems mainly from a new ECOLOGY of the ECOSYSTEMS where less is consumed and more is shared. Libraries play a very important role in shaping more sustainable and responsible societies, not only by educating people, but also by becoming centers for testing new economic models, innovation and technology. Sustainability has at its core a new way of seeing the economic exchanges and growth: the circular economy. If the classical model of business was defined by the triad: take-make-waste, the circular economy looks at interactions based on the concepts: borrow-use-return.
Basically, it means working with and preparing the communities in line with the 7R method: rethink, redesign, repurpose, reuse, repair, remanufacture, recycle and recover. Libraries, as community development hubs can play a role in all these processes and they already do.
The main themes of Occupy Library 2022 – The E+Libraries On The Rise are:
- Engaging community in rethinking, repurposing and remanufacturing, recycling
- Empowerment for repair, reuse and recover
- Educating for a sustainable Planet