Growing Active Citizens HUBs is a project that contributes to a regional support network for communities’ development, by creating active partnerships between public libraries and local CSOs.
For the time period ahead, the regional partners from Armenia, Republic of Moldova, Romania and Ukraine are going to develop and follow the plan of transforming local libraries into hubs, where local communities and citizens can grow and develop themselves.

Discover more details about the project and the stories of the innovators from the Black Sea region!
Find out the story of our Romanian partners:
Find out the story of our Moldavian partners:
- The National Association of Librarians of the Republic of Moldova
- The Dimitrie Cantemir District Public Library from Ungheni, Republic of Moldova
- The Rayonal Public Library IPS A Plamadeala from Hincesti, the Republic of Moldova
Find out the story of our Ukrainian partners:
- The Ukrainian Library Association
- The Luhansk Regional Universal Scientific Library
- The Lviv Public Library
Find out the story of our Armenian partners:
Discover the activities of the project and watch our virtual Sharing Cafes & Networking Sessions!
- Who’s Who In The Black Sea Region – Libraries & NGOs, together for stronger communities.
- Sharing Cafe – Welcome to Ukraine!
- Sharing Cafe – Welcome to Armenia!
- Sharing Cafe – Library Services For Inmates!
- Sharing Cafe – Welcoming Refugees to Moldova!
- Sharing Cafe – Lessons Learned from Romanian NGOs and Libraries
- Networking Event – Meet the Enablers of Changes in Libraries
- Sharing Cafe – Ukrainian Libraries in Wartime
- Growing Active Citizens HUBs at Occupy Library 2022

Our first meetings have been checked already... but there are many more!
In order to create change in the local communities and to organize events that motivate citizens to embrace best democratic practices, there are needed some facilitation skills. And PhD Ellen M. Knutson, Research Associate at Kettering Foundation & Adjunct Assistant Professor at iSchool, University of Illinois has helped us to develop our skills!
This project is developed by Progress Foundation Romania, granted by E.U. and the Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation, a project of the German Marshall Fund of the United States and implemented in Armenia, Republic Of Moldova, Romania and Ukraine with the help of the regional partners: Lori Regional Library, Armenia; “Dimitrie Cantemir” Public Library from Ungheni, “IPS Antonie Plamadeala” Public Library from Hincesti & Library Association from Republic of Moldova; “G.T. Kirileanu” Neamt County Library & “Antim Ivireanul” Valcea County Library from Romania; Luhansk Regional Scientific Library, Lviv Public Library & Ukrainian Library Association, from Ukraine.
Growing Active Citizens Hubs is granted by E.U. and the Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation, a project of the German Marshall Fund of the United States. Opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily represent those of the Black Sea Trust or its partners.