Occupy Library Conference – MAY 29th 2024, Milan –Final call for papers and contributions

Occupy Library / Stelline Conference 2024 is looking for contributions who showcase initiatives where technology, in particular artificial intelligence has contributed to both digital transformation and increased personal and community wellbeing.
The contributions can be sent as a presentation format, workshops, labs, posters and ignite talks.
Specific themes:
- AI (artificial intelligence) for personal and professional development;
- Library services based on community technological needs;
- Community wellbeing in times of crises – the role libraries play;
- Library services which unite communities.
To submit a contribution to the event, access the link here and fill in the form:
The final extended deadline for submitting a proposal is the 20th of April 2024.
Submission Formats
Occupy Library / Stelline Conference invites submissions on the conference theme and topics, comprising of any of the following content directions:
1. future-oriented, thought leadership pieces arising out of current experiences.
2. presentation of innovative services.
3. work in progress or pilot descriptions, sufficiently mature to warrant attention.
4. best practice and case studies specifying requirements, challenges or opportunities.
When submitting a proposal, speakers can choose the best format for the content they intend to deliver from the list of options below:
- presentations: mature works that showcase ideas, best practices and case studies, illustrating the methods used and opening up a discussion on the on the topic and its issues.
- posters: visually-inspiring displays of a completed or ongoing initiative, processes and results.
- labs or workshops: lively panel sessions, consisting of interactive meetings, demos or exhibitions, games related to the theme and the topics of the conference.
- ignite talks: 5-minute speed speeches on the topics of the conference.
Selection Criteria
The Conference Programme Committee will select proposals based on the following criteria:
Guidance and Notes on Submitting
1. Accepted contributions will be limited to one proposal per author. Similarly, we aim to avoid more than one presentations on a single initiative/project.
2.Submissions advertising commercial products and/or services will not be considered.
3. Only submissions in English will be considered, in line with the official language of the conference.
4. For all proposals, the Conference Programme Committee may accept an abstract. Authors are encouraged to submit their accepted abstracts for publication as an English-language supplement of the leading scientific journal Biblioteche Oggi in the September issue.
Abstract length should be a minimum of 300 words and should not exceed 500 words (for all forms suggested above).
Timeline, registration & fees:
Call for papers and proposals: December 27th 2023 – April 20th 2024
Communication for accepted authors: April 22nd – April 26th 2024
Confirmation of participation for contributors: April 29th – May 3rd 2024
The participation fee is € 149 (+ VAT for Italian participants) as an early bird until April 26th 2024.
After April 29th, the participating fee will be € 199 (+ VAT for Italian participants).
Selected authors will be charged the early bird fee.
We look forward to having in you in Milan!