Come Join Us at Occupy Library 2022 : The E+Libraries On The Rise !

Join Occupy Library – The E+Libraries On The Rise! on the 2nd and 3rd of June 2022!
Types Of Tickets – Attendees
As an attendee, you have the option to join the conference online, by getting a Virtual Ticket, or you can travel to Bucharest in order to meet other innovators LIVE, at the Goethe-Institut Bukarest by getting the Offline Ticket or The Premium Offline Ticket.
1. The Virtual Ticket
With the Virtual Ticket you can watch for FREE most of the content from Bucharest, LIVE from Goethe-Institut Bukarest, as well as the online content, created by our Speakers from all around the globe!
- Can attend the event from anywhere in the world
- Can access only the content from the online event (will include online sessions and some offline sessions)*
- Needs a account
- Needs good internet connection & a laptop/ PC
- Free
*Without the Premium Content Package, that can be achieved separately. Stay tuned to discover more!
2. The Offline Ticket
With the Offline Ticket you can participate LIVE at the offline event in Bucharest, that will take place at Goethe-Institut Bukarest. You will also have access to all the online content from
- Access to the live event in Bucharest, Romania
- Can access the online & the offline content of the event
- Premium Content Package included
- Live Matchmaking Cafe – access to networking with other innovators
- Coffee & lunch break included
- E+Goody-Bags included
- Opportunity to discover Bucharest
- Having our support for all the travelling process
- Needs to secure accommodation & transport
- Full Price 175€
2. The Premium Offline Ticket
With the Offline Ticket you can participate LIVE at the offline event in Bucharest, that will take place at Goethe-Institut Bukarest. and you will have the opportunity to network and be inspired by all the innovation present at the Fab & Funky Festive Dinner.
- Access to the live event in Bucharest, Romania
- Access to the Fab & Funky Festive Dinner
- Can access the online & the offline content of the event
- Premium Content Package included
- Live Matchmaking Cafe – access to networking with other innovators
- Coffee & lunch break included
- E+Goody-Bags included
- Opportunity to discover Bucharest
- Having our support for all the travelling process
- Needs to secure accommodation & transport
- Full Price 220€
After completing the form, please pay your ticket prices (and take into consideration international bank fees) using the details below.
Payment & Bank Details
Types Of Tickets – Speakers
To be a speaker for Occupy Library 2022 means that your position as a contributor for the conference was confirmed by us on email. Please keep in touch with us at, and follow the instructions that we have sent you by email.
Each speaker of the sessions must get one ticket for Occupy Library 2022:
- if you are a confirmed online speaker, please get your virtual ticket
- if you are a confirmed offline speaker, please opt for one of the two offline tickets and follow the instructions here.