[ February 26, 2022 by admin 0 Comments ]

Occupy Library stands by Ukraine!

Dear friends, library professionals, partners and citizens of the world,

Our organization is watching with great concern the situation that continues to deteriorate in Ukraine. We must say that, at the beginning of our journey, when we first started to collaborate with libraries, CSOs, and other types of organizations that are neighboring us, in the Eastern Europe area, we had not foreseen this situation taking place. No one was prepared for this disruptive change and we can not even imagine what our friends from Ukraine are going through. Nonetheless, we stand by Ukraine and we are looking for ways to offer our support to its local communities and citizens!


Progress Foundation Romania believes that public libraries are at the heart of the local communities and our mission is to encourage and support them in becoming hubs of active citizenship. In times like this, when democracy is at risk, we are asking you dear partners, library and CSOs professionals, to stay safe and united, to encourage only the spread of information from reliable sources and to support, by your own means, our friends from Ukraine!


If you are open to offer your support, please see below a list of organizations where you can donate or help Ukraine:


If you are looking for accurate information about the situation, directly from Ukraine, please visit:

[ June 3, 2021 by admin 0 Comments ]

Occupy Library 2022 – The E+Libraries On The Rise!

In June 2022 we invite you to Bucharest to the second edition of the Occupy Library Conference: Occupy Library 2022 – The E+Libraries On The Rise!


Libraries can have a leading role on the path to sustainability, that’s why we will label them E+Libraries.

E+ stems mainly from a new ECOLOGY of life, where less is consumed and more is shared. Libraries play a very important role in shaping more sustainable and responsible societies, not only by educating people, but also by becoming centers for testing new economic models, innovation and technology.

In 2022 we expect you to Occupy Libraries with concepts like: environment, equity, engagement, empowerment, empathy, entertainment, economics. All in an E+Library extravaganza that will elevate your excitement and bring some well-deserved euphoria.

We will welcome a great variety of contributions which showcase the endeavor of libraries for promoting circular economy and sustainable communities.


Follow us for news on: www.occupylibrary.net