[About Conference]
Welcome to Occupy Library 2022 - The E+Libraries On The Rise !

Libraries can have a leading role on the path to sustainability, that’s why we will label them E+Libraries. E+ stems mainly from a new ECOLOGY of life, where less is consumed and more is shared. Libraries play a very important role in shaping more sustainable and responsible societies, not only by educating people, but also by becoming centers for testing new economic models, innovation and technology.

Occupy Library brings together the innovating ideas that are implemented in libraries in the Central, Eastern European, Black Sea, Caucasus, and Caspian regions. The conference will provide a virtual space for sharing good practices and support best ways to make libraries more involved in their communities. Come with us and join the librarians’ community at the Occupy Library Conference. 

Keynotes and FabTalks
Impactful innovators share their experiences to help us elevate our libraries and communities!
Presentations and Interactive Sessions
Access to the conference and case studies presentations of your choice. Stick around for inspiring ideas from our speakers exclusively at Occupy Library.
Ignite Talks
Short 5 minutes talks meant to make the audience interested on an idea that is worth sharing.
Occupy Library

Occupy Library 2022 will be a hybrid experience. You can join us in Bucharest or relax at home and attend remotely!

Coomin soon!
Our Speakers
Who's Speaking?

Stay tuned to find out who’ll join us!